If words could conspire and converge on this page to express how I am feeling, I would stand in amazement. Perhaps, the fury burns within me to write now ...not only since it's been months but because I received a little notification in an email that some anonymous coward left a comment on my 18 second plea to males to grow up and take some responsibility on this issue of rape in our culture ....."nobody cares". And after the trials of the last few years, where my life itself had been called so deeply into question I stand in utter awe at the inhumanity that breeds in our people. This is the Kali Yuga. They said this time would be dark. I had no idea just how dark it would be. Yet, I pray to those who still carry glimmers of the true light within them ...let us have the strength to carry these burdens and remake our world. --Somehow I missed the comment a month ago about women who speak about rape only wanting attention, and I thank the Goddess for protection on that. Looking back in the place I was in. This is a sickness ...a global epidemic. I'm throwing the damn book now. Misogyny is real and rampant.
It's interesting because I originally signed on here to delete this page entirely ...I am struggling deeply, for my own self protection to remove my online presence entirely ...but when it came to the task, I failed. I couldn't do it. It felt like I was allowing myself to be silenced ..forced back into hiding after taking so much work to stand and open these spaces. I'll remain. This could be the stubborness that people have used to describe me ...it feels more like steadfastness in the face of uncertainty. I still, unwaveringly, believe in a world that is safe ..that is free from war, and I believe we can and will create this. I also know it takes great courage.
God Bless us All.
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